Intelligent way to manage productivity.

Intelligent way to
manage productivity.

Nisensor is a cloud-based service that will change your sensing of employees.

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About this study

Become a research partner! How can we better manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) together? Sage Bionetworks (nonprofit) is proposing a new approach to monitor health in PD using a mobile app. We want to understand why some people with PD have different symptoms than other people with PD, and why a person’s symptoms and side effects can vary over time. The insights gained from this study may help develop ideas about how to manage these differences in symptoms.

Organize your photos

Make your photos easy to digest by placing them into little buckets of awesomeness. Tag it, name it, like it, doodle on it, protect it, stare at it, hug it. Everything that your photos need to get organized.


Show off your gallery

You don’t want boring layouts and we don’t want you to have boring layouts. It’s all about stacking things in creative ways like a boss.


Share with your loved ones

Share your photos all over the internet tubes like a real magician! Post your photos in an album and watch your album be spread like a virus all over the web clouds. You’ll love this!